Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day One

My first post. 
As my intro window says, I was told once that I would write a book on the humor in being uptight, anal, organized, however you want to describe those characteristics of a Virgo with 3 kids and a mission for completion. So here I am.
Each day I write, I hope to communicate a story with some humor and perspective about a moms life of trying to live in her own image of perfection.
My image of perfection changes every day. Every year actually, with every child and every experience. 3 kids later...perfection has new meaning.
Before children, I remember having little tolerance for anything out of place in my home; pens, scissors, papers, it all had to be put away. 
These days my (darling) husband, Skip, will come home and scatter shoes. Ive never met anyone with a better ability to leave shoes all over the house. Wherever he feels he should remove them, off they come. Ive found them in the tv room (of course), in the bathroom, under the table and even in the middle of the floor in a neck-breaking spot for me to trip on, as if he purposely wants me to be in a full leg cast after finding them!
Back pre kids, I had NO tolerance. Now, its better. Still a bit obsessive, but a very softened version. One week my mom came to visit and was trying desperately to help me put things away (guess where i got it from!). She would ask "how about this, where does this go" and id point to the correct drawer or cabinet. "and these" again, id point. "and this"..."oh, mom, don't worry about it, the place looks great and its all going to get torn apart again tomorrow:..."WOW" she replied. "I remember visting you when Maggie had just been born (my first child- now 9) and you were so worried about having everything in its place! You have changed so much". Well, that's what 3 kids will do. Oh, but I sill cant handle the shoes. Want to know a secret? If Skip leaves the shoes out for too long,  I hide them. I am not sure what I am trying to accomplish with that strategy. I guess I am hopeful that after all these years he will all of a sudden wake up and think "Oh! Of course! If i put my shoes away every time I get home I will be able to find them! what didn't I think of that sooner?" HA. Not likely. Or maybe he just wont have any shoes left one day and have to go barefoot to work? But then guess what would happen... "Hey babe? Where the heck are all my shoes? You need to help me find them!". Hmmm. How does that work for me? 
Here's to lightening up.

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